Economic sciences play a significant role in the process of recognising and understanding the mechanisms and effects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The challenges, that arise from theoretical and practicable concerns, focus on the impact of the 4.0 revolution on enterprises, the labour market, and coordination mechanisms.
Semiarium naukowe: Awans przemysłowy gospodarek środkowoeuropejskich: transfer wiedzy w globalnych łańcuchach wartości
It is an integrated knowledge platform that will combine a repository of texts published in the open access format, working papers, research materials and popular science texts, explaining the issues related to the social and economic consequences of the 4.0 revolution.
Małopolska School of Public Administration
Cracow University of Economics
ul. Rakowicka 16, p. 24, 31-510 Kraków
T: (+48) 12 293 75 83
Project Office working hours:
Monday – Friday 7.30am-3pm