Mariusz Sołtysik PhD

+ Mariusz Sołtysik PhD

Problem leader

PhD in economics in management

Assistant professor at the Department of Management Process at the Faculty of Management of the Cracow University of Economics. He completed postgraduate studies: Manager of scientific research and development works.


Author of numerous publications on strategic management, project management and enterprise development. The research area focuses on the issues of strategic management, project management and innovation of enterprises.

Research and projects

Participant of the Techmatstrateg Strategic Scientific Research and Development Program.

Contractor in projects financed by the National Science Center and the National Center for Research and Development, including the Lider program.

Contractor in the program H2020-EU. – Supporting market development for bio-based products and processes.

Participant of projects whose goal was to create a network of connections between scientists and enterprises. Contractor and manager of research projects financed by the Minister of Science and Higher Education, grant for Research of Young Scientists (BMN) and PhD Students.

Contractor of works commissioned to enterprises in the area of ​​developing long-term plans, enterprise management strategies, designing organizational structures and improving management systems.

Additional activity

A member of a team of experts in the substantive assessment of applications for 2014-2020 in the areas of: Innovation and technology transfer in enterprises; Business environment, Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs, including marketing, management and design services; Technology transfer and cooperation between universities and enterprises; SME development, Entrepreneurship and business creation. A member of a team of experts in the technical assessment of applications for project co-financing under the Interreg V-A Cross-Border Cooperation Program Poland-Slovakia 2014-2020 and applications of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020 National Center for Research and Development (PO IR), including the Bridge Alfa program.

Vice-chairman of the Malopolska Regional Group International Project Management Association.