Szczegóły rekordu

Tytuł:Concepts Related to Industry 4.0 in Research Papers in the Field of Economics
Autor:Cieraszewska Urszula
Drabina Anna
Hamerska Monika
Kovaleva Anna
Lula Paweł
Tuchowski Janusz
Data wydania:15/12/2020
Obszar wiedzy:
Słowa kluczowe:

Wydawca:National Research University - HSE
Nazwa czasopisma:Proceedings of International Analytics for Management and Economics Conference

In a constantly changing world, a huge revolution has occurred in technological progress. Like any progress, it has a big impact on every sphere of life. Industry 4.0 is another revolution we are dealing with. It does not concern whether we want to buy a new machine or collect data. It is a process that continues, changing the world as much as steam or electricity did. Therefore, an attempt was made at work to analysis of issues related to industry 4.0 in research papers in the field of economics is the main goal of the paper. The authors are going to analyse abstracts of research papers related to the field of economics and published by authors from 36 European countries and registered in Scopus database in the period 2011-2020. The main steps of the research were to prepare data set with abstracts from this article and to identify of concepts appearing in abstracts related to economics, computer science and industry 4.0. The ontology-based approach will be used for identification of concepts related to computer science, economics and industry 4.0.


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