Szczegóły rekordu

Tytuł:Analysis of pro-market concept of business model
Autor:Rojek Tomasz
Data wydania:06/02/2019
Obszar wiedzy:Cyfryzacja procesów produkcji i zarządzania
Słowa kluczowe:

Wydawca:Marketing and Management of Innovations
Nazwa czasopisma:

Contemporary concepts of business models are mainly oriented towards realizing the maximum development of enterprises. The development translates directly into resource growth, competitiveness, and profitability. The business model of an enterprise is conditioned by internal factors understood as possibilities for growth and management efficiency on the one hand and by external factors based first of all on the cooperation among enterprises and other entities of the environment and the efficiency of the institutional infrastructure stimulating the development of enterprises on the other. Simultaneously, this is realized in accordance with the adopted strategies of development that, in turn, are mainly conditioned by the directions of development adopted by the enterprise, which play the roles of a determinant and modifier of a decision-making process within the scope of defining the possibilities as well as the choice of the adequate development strategy. Product-oriented development and market-oriented development are the directions of development that most frequently appear in the literature on the subject. The examples of successful enterprises show that development is possible to achieve via these two exact ways. Therefore, two concepts of business models currently stand out: the pro-market concept and the pro-product concept. This paper presents the problems concerning the market-oriented development of enterprises, a pro-market concept of a business model, and the resulting development strategies. The empirical part presents the research carried out among a selected group of stock-listed companies during the period of 2010-2018, consisting of the frequency analysis of this business model concept occurrence.The purpose of the paper is to present contemporary concepts of business models focused on business development and developmental strategies that enterprises implement and the frequency analysis of the pro-market concept of a business model on the Polish market. The implementation of the paper objective allowed for the verification of the following research hypothesis: «the pro-market concept of a business model is a leading concept among Polish enterprises».In the theoretical part of the paper, a review and critical analysis of the literature related to the proposed topic was made, while in the empirical part, the strategic analysis of the companies was used (the Ansoff Model in particular) based on the matrix of development vectors. This model has been transformed and modified in terms of the aim of the conducted research. The application of this model enabled the identification of enterprises using the analyzed concept of the business model in the group of researched enterprises and the development strategies applied in these enterprises. This research is designed to facilitate the decision of Polish entrepreneurs in the selection of the right business model and an indication of the resulting consequences.


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