Szczegóły rekordu

Tytuł:The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the e-Government Development and on the Reduction of Digital Exclusion
Autor:Frańczuk Magdalena
Piotrowska Aldona
Data wydania:24/11/2021
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The paper is up-to-date, it focuses on an analysis of the impact of the pandemic crisis on the development of e-government,
and on the reduction of digital exclusion, on the example of Poland. The crisis caused by the pandemic had an impact on the
development of e-government services, causing need for rapid digitalization of the administration, i.e. in a shorter time than
the deadlines assumed in the implementation of the EU directives in this area, there was a change in the way the
administration (in particular administration providing services) operates. We observe – the increase in digital readiness of the
society, – increase in digital competences and thus a decrease in digital exclusion. The analysis is based on a review of
instruments which were applied in order to implement e-government in order to raise digital competences of officers and
administration clients, as a reaction to a specific pandemic situation, in the context of the right to freedom from exclusion.
In the light of the available statistics the pandemic crisis has influenced the development of public e-services and contributed
to an increase in the digitalization of the administration. The deadlines for the expansion of the e-government system resulting
from EU acts have not yet passed, while a satisfactory level of the development of the e-government sector in Poland has
already been achieved. The lack of face-to-face contact in the customer-administration relationship meant that citizens had
to adapt to the situation and move to virtual contact, thus increasing their digital readiness.


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Małopolska Szkoła Administracji Publicznej
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
ul. Rakowicka 16, p. 24, 31-510 Kraków
T: (12) 293 75 83

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poniedziałek – piątek 7:30-15:00


Wojciech Sypek
Małopolska Szkoła Administracji Publicznej
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
ul. Rakowicka 16 | pok. 22
T: 12 293 75 67 | K: +48 537 637 807

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