Szczegóły rekordu

Tytuł:How Technology Impact the Real Estate Business – Comparative Analysis of European Union Countries
Autor:Małkowska Agnieszka
Data wydania:01/04/2020
Obszar wiedzy:Nowe relacje przemysłowe
Słowa kluczowe:

Wydawca:Fundacja Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie
Nazwa czasopisma:Świat Nieruchomości

Purpose – The purpose of the article is to evaluate and compare the absorption of new technologies by real estate companies in European Union countries.

Design/methodology/approach – The analysis was conducted based on the dataset from Eurostat database for 2018 and 2019. The scope of data includes variables measuring business digitization and use of e-commerce by real estate companies in 20 countries of the European Union. Data analysis was conducted in two stages: first, using multidimensional analytical tools and second, estimating synthetic measure.

Findings – The main conclusions lead to the statement that the use of modern technology solutions by real estate companies varies across the European Union and is largely derived from the degree of digitalization of society and the economy as a whole.

Research limitations – are due to data gaps and the omissions in reporting of companies with less than 10 employees, which are a significant part of the real estate industry. This limitation raises the need for further research, especially among small real estate businesses.


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