Michał Żabiński, PhD

He holds a PhD in economics from, and is an Assistant Professor of Cracow University of Economics.

Research interests

institutional and behavioural economics, territorial self-government, public management.

Academic specialization: public administration, public management, territorial self-government, analysis of public policies.

Additional activity

Expert actively involved in many national research and implementation projects in the field of public management, quality management in local government administration, social economy. Co-author of and expert in the implementation of the method of Institution Development Planning – polish self-assesment method for Institution Development in local and regional self-goverment units.


Author and co-author of several scientific publications in the field of public management, functioning of local government administration, quality management in local administration.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8786-3719

Involvement in recent scientific projects

  • Leadership in cities affected by the phenomenon of defunctionalization, Duration: 2019 – 2021, project financed or co-financed by the National Science Center 2018/31/B/HS4/02783
  • Consolidation of the theory of public governance in research on public policy. Critical perspective. project financed or co-financed by the National Science Center UMO-2012/07/B/HS4/00444 (2013-2015)
  • Neoweberian approach in public management – towards building a new paradigm. project financed or co-financed by the National Science Center UMO-2013/11/B/HS4/01064 (2014-2016)