Record details

Title:Pension exclusion from the supplementary part of the Polish old-age security system – an analysis of the scale and extent of the phenomenon
Author:Jedynak Tomasz
Release date:10/08/2020
Knowledge area:Models of public goods and services production and distribution

Publisher:Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych
Journal name:Ubezpieczenia Społeczne. Teoria i praktyka

The paper addresses the issue of exclusion from the supplementary part of the Polish pension system. The exclusion is understood as a lack of access as well as a lack of use of additional old-age security products. The main goal of the study is to estimate the scale of retirement exclusion from the supplementary part of the Polish pension system. In the course of achieving this goal, the idea of pension exclusion was conceptualized and the measures of the pension exclusion were proposed. As a result of empirical analyses, the degree of pension exclusion in Poland was assessed. It was found that only a few accumulate savings for retirement, and those who do so save far too little to ensure a satisfactory level of income in the future. At the same time, it was noted that the claim that the exclusion in the supplementary pension system is due to the formally limited availability of products for the accumulation of additional (supplementary) pension savings is unjustified. It was found that a high degree of pension exclusion from the supplementary pension system is conditioned by the lack of instruments for collecting supplementary pension savings and the low level of their real use. In addition, though it was found that while the design of the Employee Capital Plans [pracownicze plany
kapitałowe, PPK] system results in limiting the scope and scale of exclusion from an additional part of the pension system, this program is not a complex remedy for exclusion from the supplementary pension system in Poland as such.


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